Pattern-welded Blade

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The pattern-welded blade is a challenge to the patience, ability, and inspiration of the smith. We all, at one time or another, have felt the inner fire of the steel, seen its soul birthed in the flames of the forge, given it power by our labor and sweat, and seen the beauty of our efforts come to life in our hands when we finished our first successful pattern-welded blade.

The details..

"The Pattern-Welded Blade: Artistry in Iron" by Jim Hrisoulas is an essential resource for advanced makers who want to expand their talents into the realm of pattern-welded blades. The author dispels rumors about how difficult it is to make these blades and provides step-by-step guidance on how to create them successfully.

Hrisoulas explains that while making a pattern-welded blade requires hard work, it's not impossible. He covers all aspects of the process including forge welding, grinding, heat treating and tempering, finishing techniques as well as weights measures and compounds used throughout this craft.

One important aspect covered in this book are basic patterns which provide clear understanding on simple laminations or more complex composites with welded cable. This will help readers understand what they need before starting any project.

Overall "The Pattern-Welded Blade: Artistry in Iron" offers valuable insights into creating beautiful works of art using traditional methods passed down through centuries past.

Resource Info

Page count: 113
Size: 16337kb
File Type: pdf


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